Ember Nay - 2024 wins PNDC Gold Medal

Ember Nay has been a contributing member of PNDC and her own society for many years, currently serving as Douglas County Dahlia Society president.  Her parents own a commercial dahlia business, and Ember grew up helping them.  More recently, she has taken on a much larger role in operating the business. 

 Ember has served as a clerk at dahlia shows for decades and has a talent for training new clerks.  Her organizational skills and eye for detail is unmatched.  At the 2023 National Show, Ember presented a clerk's orientation mini-class.  She also has been instrumental in the PNDC Revitalization ad hoc committee and on a subcommittee formed to establish clerking standards and clerking forms for the organization.

Over the years, Ember has been able to manage all of this while raising a family and working a demanding career.  She is well deserving to be honored with the 2023 PNDC Gold Medal for lifetime achievement. Congratulations Ember.


In memory of Eleanor Shantz